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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Healthy_How to define it

assalammualaikum and a very good morning everyone..tetiba je post di pagi hari ni kan?anyways, I've read this somewhere in my healthy-thingy community yesterday and decided to SHARE these with you..* yes,you the who's reading this * wink wink..

Sangatlah susah menjadi working mum+ working wife+ career women and etc,etc..* the list will go on and on,..n  on...* Mothers took care about everything at home, daripada sekecik-kecik stok susu,pampers.shower gel, ubat gigi to sebesar-besar stok groceries,etc dalam fridge..atleast that's for me.So who'll take care of the MOTHER/WIFE?? That is why we( women,mother,wife) got to be the real superheroes..haha

So here's are the ways to define whether you are healthy or the other way around mommies:-

1) Sleep, tido yang mencukupi

of course being an adult requires lesser sleep, than teenagers..Kajian menunjukkan tidur yang sesuai bagi mereka yang berumur 18-21 tahun adalah selama 8 jam, while those in the age ranging from 22 and above need about 7 hours of quality sleep..Please bear in mind oversleep are soooo not advisable, bukan sahaja tidak produktif malah Islam juga tidak menggalakkan kita tidur berlebihan keranan boleh meletihkan badan.Ya, tido yang tidak mencukupi boleh menyebabkan risiko pneyakit kronik 3 serangkai, please make sure you had enough rest/sleep/

pic courtesy from Google

2) Aktiviti fizikal atau bahasa mudahnya senaman

It is advisable to have 150 minutes of moderate workout per week( simple aerobic, or workout). Kalau pon tak boleh buat 30minit a day, atleast buat 10mins pon dah cukup bagus..So let's move that bum bum ladies..hehehe

3) Watch your BMI

click to enlarge or please go to  bmi graph

BMI yang bagus dan cantek adalah daripada 18.5 to 24.9, so for those who have below that range or above the range,..please watch your diet...yang below tu have to make sure they have the normal weight la,..whereas yang over the range tu macam saya kenalah work out on reducing the current BMI is showing that i'm overweight so, memang kena berusaha towards achieving my targeted size this  RAYA..

4) Quit smoking

Merokok juga salah satu sebab dan punca penyakit jantung, n etc..senang cakap,kalau merokok skrg kena consider utk quit since it's bad for your health..owh,..btw merosakkan badan dengan benda yang buruk tak elok adalah tidak dibenarkan sama sekali dalam Islam

5) Alkohol, Say NO

Bagi muslim, ALCOHOLIC drinks/etc is definitely a big NO.Rasanya takde masalah untuk comply to this.

For further reading, please read this articles.


Sunday, June 9, 2013

so called carbo-diet

Assalammualaikum and a very good weekend to you all..hari ni nak share skit pasal carbo diet..or also known as low carb diet 

I was, together with my diet group planned on going for carbo diet before Ramadhan.. carbo lah sangat kan? Ahaks..unfortunately carbo diet itu telah menjadi sejarah..sebab there's sooooo many tempting makan2 invitation going on this June..Because of that,I tried to consume as much as healthy food as possible bila duk here's are the some of the my breakfast or dinner sometimes my lunches. .

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The power of G.I.V.I.N.G

assalammualaikum everyone..okay, I was supposed to update my blog like everyday but it turns out the other way around,'s been almost a month now..

We're approaching Sya'aban, and that means we're almost near to Ramadhan n Syawal *it's a bit too much to talk about Raya*..tonight I would love to share about some topics that most of us already known, but we often take this for granted..

Have you ever been in the situation where you have just enough of resources/money/or food and at the same time your friend/colleague/neighbour or even your spouse is facing the same difficulties?Also when there's just enough money to spend for the rest of the month when someone knocked on your door asking for charity, of course being in that situation you might turn that down and let them pass without even giving them any single cents from your pocket since you think you yourself have is 'suffering'?

Well, of course being like almost everyone in this world..we usually donate when we have lotsssss of money or we only plan to donate or do charity when we have lotssss?? Right? I've been to like 4 motivation/self development/business marketing classes. I've learnt that THE MORE WE GIVE THE MORE WE GET BACK,.Does that sound familiar to you? If yes,then you might have attended in one of those classes that I've attended.*high 5 sket*LOL

And haaaaa..the best that you donate/give charity when you are at your worst..hahahah* kinda strange but that's what I've learnt as well* see ALLAH will give more of what you asked from HIM when you GIVE to NEEDY at the times that you cannot even imagine yourself having no money to spent with..this has happened to me once, and since then I BELIEVE that the more I GAVE the MORE i'll GET..I had my last few hundred bucks in my account when I saw this 1 posts in my FB asking for a donation for this surau renovation. At that time I was thinking of just ignoring the post, but I could not resist to give some though I have so little money. But I TRUELY BELIEVE that there'll be more rezki for me than this few hundred bucks.Then I just did it..i gave up most of the last few hundred for charity. my surprise, I made my sales after that..just after I did that..i was so thankful to ALLAH for open my heart and I am now BELIEVE that if I want MORE( anything) I have TO GIVE MORE..and that what I have practised so far,..and I am now SHARE this so that you can GIVE MORE too. Don't be afraid to GIVE MORE, because ALLAH will REWARD you MORE.Trust me!

p/s: Try to activate your GIVING mode by making the GIVING as a weekly routine as a start..* I did that too * sooner it will become a habit..a GOOD ONES (^_^)v