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Monday, December 10, 2012

jUSt wHen yOu ThinK YOu haD a bAD dAy,thInK agaiN...

As salam to all, so it's Monday again..duhh it's like a very veryvery short weekend..because i haven't enjoy much last i don't feel like Monday-ing today..Oh well, it's not just that..

My monday began with a short-drama moment when i misplace my house keys..ya,i must admit that i have this habit of keeping/putting small,important items all over improper place..for instance i've kept my car keys together with the shopping recycle bags that i bring to office each day* usually it happens when i tapau some food from home to the office..n yes, thanks to this 'good' habit of mine, i've lost my pre-engagement gold ring *tears*..

Anyways,not only that because i've totally forgot where i kept my house keys,it's a bunch of all important keys by the way..i've called for SOS externally..luckily that rescuer came soonest than i thought..then when i arrived office,it seems like everybody was lazying n wandering around..chatting like they are having some sort of social party or get-together,our internet connection was down due to raining,thunder n lightning n all a night before..i was sooo not in the mood,..

To add more 'spice'to my boss came up with the short-notice ideas about a project..that project requires integration as well as quickest planning n i was still in no-mood mixed up unable to respond directly to him nor to activey taking part in discussion*not to mention my hungriness kept my brain shut*...

Then another boss came to me,yelling about some wrong reporting patience level when down n i started to respond drastically to her..ya i know..i shouldn't..but i cant help just too much..first is the big boss then another boss...hey,gimme a break's only 11am..whatever it does ruined my entire day..

Over lunch i barely talk to anyone as i'm afraid the not-so happy conversation continues after i had a soft argument with the 2nd boss...after lunch,there came my co-worker informing as well as reminding about the 1 and a halfday meeting/discussion a.k.a pre-business course which will beheld this christmas..Ahaaaa..what a day,..i was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrated and having on-thespot so gonna resign..i'm so dont wanna be at the office at that's either going back home or simply just runaway from the situation..*unfortunately that's the last thing i'll do*..

When i got back home later that evening, i told my husband that am preparing resignation letter and definitely will be submitting that this husband was giggling all the way as he could never believe me,i dont trust myself soo hoping that i could have just resign..*double sigh* the way my husband found my house keys..i actually kept it in my handback in the small compartment/slot....this is so ridiculous! i've searched twice this morning..huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..

Anyway,here i am updating my whole bad day..atleast tomorrow is a public holiday..i have a whole day to be clinging by my baby..

my baby boy is now a happy and healthy 6mths old baby
p/s: the-i-wanted-to update  my blog everyday has not really worked hard to consistently update when you have a limited ownself time.


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