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Sunday, May 5, 2013

5 kilograms and counting..

Assalammualaikum and a very good day to all,'s a very important day to all Malaysian today, as today marks the 13th GE.a very controversial yet most anticipating ones I guess,atleast for me.

Since I've done my part as a Malaysian, I would love to share my latest progress..walaupon not really a big deal for those who have lost like 20kgs..still tak salah share kan?atleast it can motivates those who are in their weight lose journey,right?

Anyway,till date I've lost 5kilo grams..Saya mula serious consume HERBBALIFE Mac one month from mac till april..I've lost 4kilos..up till now I've lost 5kgs n still counting since I'm still in my program..

My target is to lose atleast 20 kilos more...say what??? yes,you heard's TWENTY KILOGRAMS saying..* before HERBALIFE,to lose even 1kg is almost impossible..sebab saya dah tak setabah dulu* but now, in shaa ALLAH dengan pemakanan nutrisi yang BETUL saya rasa it's sooo achievable okay?

Praying for Atleast I can wear my M size kebayas, kurungs and all this coming raya*ameen*

p/s: my current promo button ;p

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