hello everyone.how's everyone doing?hope you're good as much as i do..come this week,it's been 38 weeks of my pregnancy in which i could be delivering my baby anytime soon..
I was having a massive backache yesterday morning..i couldn't even get up from my bed..i thought i was going to deliver my baby yesterday..anyhow it didn't happen..i did not feel any contraction nor other symptoms..such as bleeding,or water broke..when i went to clinic,the doctor said that backache could be one of the symptom of pre-delivery..she then gave me 2days mc leave..i was relieve,as i am soooo in need a rest..*well,mentally rest i would say*
I told my boss that i was on mc leave because of that backache n all,..she seems okay with that,until i actually told her that i'll not be in the office for 2days..she went a bit googoogaa about it..hahaha..*i guess i have to let her be prepared of whatever that might came in right?after all it's my almost due date already*
Then, i got a call from a supplier..that i dont actually want to talk to..*not that i hate them,it's just i tried not to think of work when i'm enjoying my sick leave*..then a call from my office again..i guess everyone just envy me, n do not leave me alone dont they?
Here's some link that may give you some ideas about pre-delivery symptoms...the 1st one is baby ''drops''..that is when people look at you and ask/told you* esp those makciks yang dah beranak 5,or having a grandchild..they would say to you..'' dah cukup bulan ke dik?tak lama dah tu..perut dah turun,bla bla bla..'' next is when you're having more braxton hicks contraction..aaaa this 1 i have yet to experience..after all every pregnancy,delivery is not the same right??so basically if you experienced more contractions then you should be prepared on going to hospitals or labor room soon..and the rest you may find them at this link..
Ok,now i've got an email to attend..*sigh* i hate it when people keep on bugging me for work..poor me
p/s: i promised myself not to attend to any work,emails during my maternity leave
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Pre-delivery symptom
sharing is caring,
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
when boss is not around
Hello everyone,..feeling good?yeah!i can feel you..hahaha..my bos wasn't around today so i've decided to 'hegeh2' a bit..hahaha..if he's around i would be all stressed out...*dahla macik dah sarat..tak larat nak berkejar-kejaran ke bilik bos okeh*..anyway,..been sleepy lately, due to the not-so comfort condition..* yes, when you're 9mths pregnant, everything you do would definitely be a not-so-i-like situation *
I'll be having a whole busy weekdays now..till i actually finished up my pending task..* been praying for an early delivery tho*..reasons being are, am too stressed out,..plus the never ending works..even i have to take care for everything..* adoi! seems that everyone is pushing me to..right to the edge*..*double sigh*
I even dreamt about my works,man..this is something that i've used to face back then when i was in my previous company..hahahah never thought that i'll having those nightmares again..owhh!ya talking bout my boss which is currently not around.my big boss..the other day,somewhere last week i was silently humiliated by him..* because he's the kind of person who doesn't talk that loud and that much*
One fine evening,..it is actually past working hours,around 6.30pm..while i was struggling to finish my works,replying emails,bla..bla..he came into my room and pass me a STAR newspaper..i stare at him bluntly with a blur face..then he said.." for your English improvement,..your English has become worst since you came here.."..i was like..okay,..i nodded my head and said yeah,i know..then he continued..this is the harsh part "..teribble,..without the guilty face..ewah2..who's he think he is...i admit that my english wasn't that great..hey!that's why i'm trying to blog in English rather than pure Malay..i wanted to improve my usage..anyway,..i felt soooooooo humiliated..* luckily i was alone in my room *
Haihh..i was grumbling all my way back while telling my husband about the humiliation..huh!!menyampah!just because i'm not like him..i never fly overseas doesn't mean that he's better than me..*okay,i know he's still better than me because he's my boss else i will be her boss right??*but stilll...
Okay, enough of that unpleasant and unhappy story..kinda sleepy still tho my hand is exercising throughout this blog writing..hihihi i guess have to take some nap during break,else i'll be damn tired weh..ok,ciaooo
p/s: some colleague asked me yesterday..when will your maternity leave start?*sigh* i wish my maternity leave starts now..*ameen*
I'll be having a whole busy weekdays now..till i actually finished up my pending task..* been praying for an early delivery tho*..reasons being are, am too stressed out,..plus the never ending works..even i have to take care for everything..* adoi! seems that everyone is pushing me to..right to the edge*..*double sigh*
I even dreamt about my works,man..this is something that i've used to face back then when i was in my previous company..hahahah never thought that i'll having those nightmares again..owhh!ya talking bout my boss which is currently not around.my big boss..the other day,somewhere last week i was silently humiliated by him..* because he's the kind of person who doesn't talk that loud and that much*
One fine evening,..it is actually past working hours,around 6.30pm..while i was struggling to finish my works,replying emails,bla..bla..he came into my room and pass me a STAR newspaper..i stare at him bluntly with a blur face..then he said.." for your English improvement,..your English has become worst since you came here.."..i was like..okay,..i nodded my head and said yeah,i know..then he continued..this is the harsh part "..teribble,..without the guilty face..ewah2..who's he think he is...i admit that my english wasn't that great..hey!that's why i'm trying to blog in English rather than pure Malay..i wanted to improve my usage..anyway,..i felt soooooooo humiliated..* luckily i was alone in my room *
Haihh..i was grumbling all my way back while telling my husband about the humiliation..huh!!menyampah!just because i'm not like him..i never fly overseas doesn't mean that he's better than me..*okay,i know he's still better than me because he's my boss else i will be her boss right??*but stilll...
Okay, enough of that unpleasant and unhappy story..kinda sleepy still tho my hand is exercising throughout this blog writing..hihihi i guess have to take some nap during break,else i'll be damn tired weh..ok,ciaooo
p/s: some colleague asked me yesterday..when will your maternity leave start?*sigh* i wish my maternity leave starts now..*ameen*
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day
As salam and a very good and relaxing sunday to all..it's a mother's day to..i would like to wish my mum,Pn.Saadiah Hanafiah for her love,cares and esp bring me to the world..i luv you mum!*hugs and kisses*
Anyway,me myself is on my way of becoming a mother..so i bet i would be receiving the wish next year..ahahha..ok, enough of that insanity,..i guess it's not easy for a mother to raise their children..i wonder how those days when most women can actually gave birth to 10,12 children..mm..my answer would be, those days not many women works, so they are actually a full time housewife doing all the house chores..so they can fully concentrate on being pregnant again.. and again..but nonetheless, my mum..she is a working housewife..she still managed to give birth to 6 children..while she's working..me?not sure yet...*sigh*
So in this very beautiful Sunday, i wish all the mum in the world a happy mother's day..no one can ever replace a mum..*i bet even daddy can't be a good mum*..
p/s: starving now,i guess i my baby is hungry as well
Anyway,me myself is on my way of becoming a mother..so i bet i would be receiving the wish next year..ahahha..ok, enough of that insanity,..i guess it's not easy for a mother to raise their children..i wonder how those days when most women can actually gave birth to 10,12 children..mm..my answer would be, those days not many women works, so they are actually a full time housewife doing all the house chores..so they can fully concentrate on being pregnant again.. and again..but nonetheless, my mum..she is a working housewife..she still managed to give birth to 6 children..while she's working..me?not sure yet...*sigh*
So in this very beautiful Sunday, i wish all the mum in the world a happy mother's day..no one can ever replace a mum..*i bet even daddy can't be a good mum*..
p/s: starving now,i guess i my baby is hungry as well
*image from google
Saturday, May 5, 2012
a busy,hectic and all good news & stressful things jumbled up together weekdays
Assalammualaikum dan selamat malam semua..so, why post about weekdays when it's already weekend?..seriously,i should've talked about something relaxing..it's weekend by the way...tapi daku nak juga post something to sum up the rest of my weekdays..
Ok, it started when last week after wednesday*of course,since my last post was on wednesday*..i've started to clear all my pending tasks, important stuff n all..last week was my 34th weeks,so for those who have experienced pregnancy they may have started their maternity leave whatever not,..but me?still struggling to clear all my tasks and hey,guess what my boss have yet to tell me who'll be my replacement..so how am i goin to take my maternity leave peacefully then??*cry out alout inside*..anyway,..then come this week,..
I was struggling again* yeah, this few weeks been very challenging to me,esp on work*..then everything turns out to be very stressful yet blissful..announcement made on thursday,confirming that we'll be getting our bonus for 2011 on saturday..atlast,some goodnews apart from those hectic workloads,etc..etc..
So, here i am now sitting infront of my luvly levy grumbling aout how my weekdays has been hard on me* sigh*..anyway, am so happy that today i've got myself what i want after so longgg..*hihihi*..ya,..it's a celcom broadband modem and that could actually helps me lessen my workload after this..*now that am able to work from home,which is worse i guess*..have a goodweekend everyone..hope you'll enjoy your weekend as much as i am..sayonara..
p/s: been busy for the past 2weekends on shopping for our baby
Ok, it started when last week after wednesday*of course,since my last post was on wednesday*..i've started to clear all my pending tasks, important stuff n all..last week was my 34th weeks,so for those who have experienced pregnancy they may have started their maternity leave whatever not,..but me?still struggling to clear all my tasks and hey,guess what my boss have yet to tell me who'll be my replacement..so how am i goin to take my maternity leave peacefully then??*cry out alout inside*..anyway,..then come this week,..
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So, here i am now sitting infront of my luvly levy grumbling aout how my weekdays has been hard on me* sigh*..anyway, am so happy that today i've got myself what i want after so longgg..*hihihi*..ya,..it's a celcom broadband modem and that could actually helps me lessen my workload after this..*now that am able to work from home,which is worse i guess*..have a goodweekend everyone..hope you'll enjoy your weekend as much as i am..sayonara..
p/s: been busy for the past 2weekends on shopping for our baby
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