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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pre-delivery symptom

hello's everyone doing?hope you're good as much as i do..come this week,it's been 38 weeks of my pregnancy in which i could be delivering my baby anytime soon..

I was having a massive backache yesterday morning..i couldn't even get up from my bed..i thought i was going to deliver my baby yesterday..anyhow it didn't happen..i did not feel any contraction nor other symptoms..such as bleeding,or water broke..when i went to clinic,the doctor said that backache could be one of the symptom of pre-delivery..she then gave me 2days mc leave..i was relieve,as i am soooo in need a rest..*well,mentally rest i would say*

I told my boss that i was on mc leave because of that backache n all,..she seems okay with that,until i actually told her that i'll not be in the office for 2days..she went a bit googoogaa about it..hahaha..*i guess i have to let her be prepared of whatever that might came in right?after all it's my almost due date already*

Then, i got a call from a supplier..that i dont actually want to talk to..*not that i hate them,it's just i tried not to think of work when i'm enjoying my sick leave*..then a call from my office again..i guess everyone just envy me, n do not leave me alone dont they?

Here's some link that may give you some ideas about pre-delivery symptoms...the 1st one is baby ''drops''..that is when people look at you and ask/told you* esp those makciks yang dah beranak 5,or having a grandchild..they would say to you..'' dah cukup bulan ke dik?tak lama dah tu..perut dah turun,bla bla bla..'' next is when you're having more braxton hicks contraction..aaaa this 1 i have yet to experience..after all every pregnancy,delivery is not the same right??so basically if you experienced more contractions then you should be prepared on going to hospitals or labor room soon..and the rest you may find them at this link..

Ok,now i've got an email to attend..*sigh* i hate it when people keep on bugging me for work..poor me

p/s: i promised myself not to attend to any work,emails during my maternity leave

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