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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

If i can do the work, i don't need you to do it for me

my big boss once told me..( n of course together with the rest of my colleague..) if i can do that work, i don't need you..meaning to say, he dont need the senior managers for each division then..n then, came my boss told me yesterday..." lead by example"... what with all the wismon/advise ni..
Reason being is the only one.........................................................................................................................

Makngah keluar lunch selama 2jam sebab pegi beli barang2 nak buat kueh raya...oleh itu adik2, janganlah keluar beli bahan-bahan nak buat kueh time lunch esp, kalau nak beli bahan di kedai yang membekalkan barang-barang kek dan pastri sambil buat promosi

p/s: sungguhpun begitu kueh makngah tidak menjadi hasil kederhakaan terhadap resepi berkenaan

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