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Monday, December 10, 2012

jUSt wHen yOu ThinK YOu haD a bAD dAy,thInK agaiN...

As salam to all, so it's Monday again..duhh it's like a very veryvery short weekend..because i haven't enjoy much last i don't feel like Monday-ing today..Oh well, it's not just that..

My monday began with a short-drama moment when i misplace my house keys..ya,i must admit that i have this habit of keeping/putting small,important items all over improper place..for instance i've kept my car keys together with the shopping recycle bags that i bring to office each day* usually it happens when i tapau some food from home to the office..n yes, thanks to this 'good' habit of mine, i've lost my pre-engagement gold ring *tears*..

Anyways,not only that because i've totally forgot where i kept my house keys,it's a bunch of all important keys by the way..i've called for SOS externally..luckily that rescuer came soonest than i thought..then when i arrived office,it seems like everybody was lazying n wandering around..chatting like they are having some sort of social party or get-together,our internet connection was down due to raining,thunder n lightning n all a night before..i was sooo not in the mood,..

To add more 'spice'to my boss came up with the short-notice ideas about a project..that project requires integration as well as quickest planning n i was still in no-mood mixed up unable to respond directly to him nor to activey taking part in discussion*not to mention my hungriness kept my brain shut*...

Then another boss came to me,yelling about some wrong reporting patience level when down n i started to respond drastically to her..ya i know..i shouldn't..but i cant help just too much..first is the big boss then another boss...hey,gimme a break's only 11am..whatever it does ruined my entire day..

Over lunch i barely talk to anyone as i'm afraid the not-so happy conversation continues after i had a soft argument with the 2nd boss...after lunch,there came my co-worker informing as well as reminding about the 1 and a halfday meeting/discussion a.k.a pre-business course which will beheld this christmas..Ahaaaa..what a day,..i was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrated and having on-thespot so gonna resign..i'm so dont wanna be at the office at that's either going back home or simply just runaway from the situation..*unfortunately that's the last thing i'll do*..

When i got back home later that evening, i told my husband that am preparing resignation letter and definitely will be submitting that this husband was giggling all the way as he could never believe me,i dont trust myself soo hoping that i could have just resign..*double sigh* the way my husband found my house keys..i actually kept it in my handback in the small compartment/slot....this is so ridiculous! i've searched twice this morning..huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..

Anyway,here i am updating my whole bad day..atleast tomorrow is a public holiday..i have a whole day to be clinging by my baby..

my baby boy is now a happy and healthy 6mths old baby
p/s: the-i-wanted-to update  my blog everyday has not really worked hard to consistently update when you have a limited ownself time.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dunia semakin kecil

As salam semua..salam sejahtera salam keamanan,semoga semua saudara seislam kita di Palestin dilindungiNYA daripada serangan zionis israel..

dewasa kini*cuba untuk memartabatkan bahasa melayu yang sangat kaya dengan keseniannya*..kesan daripada gelombang arus teknologi yang semakin menggila dunia dirasakan semakin kecil..sebab kenapa saya berkata demikian adalah kerana wujudnya laman sosial di alam maya seperti friendster,hi5,etc..sebelum era facebook..kita dapat berhubung dengan rakan taulan,saudara dekat jauh melalui laman sosial ini..tentunya ada kesan +ve dan -ve dalam semua perkara di dunia ini termasuklah penggunaan laman sosial ini.

Ok,kesan positifnya adalah seperti berikut..dapat memanjangkan silaturrahim sesama umat  manusia..terutamanya,kawan-kawan sekolah rendah,tadika semuanya dapat berjejak kasih di facebook..tetiba mulalah ramai friend2 yang kadang bukan friend pun terjadi friend..itulah antara kesan positif yang maha bagusnya..bukan itu saja,tiba-tiba bila keluar rumah hujung minggu pergi ke sesuatu majlis,maka makin ramai kenalan akan kita jumpai samada kenalan lama atau baru

Saya terpanggil untuk menulis mengenai kesan kewujudan laman sosial ini disebabkan insiden yang berlaku pada hujung minggu yang lalu.Saya menghadiri sebuah seminar motivasi di Shah Alam bersama rakan artis saya*eh!tetiba aku jadik retis la pulaks*..walaupun keadaan dewan berkenaan sarat dengan umat manusia,di celah2 keramaian itu maka saya ternampak seseorang yang saya kenali..dari tepi memang sah!rakan sekerja di syarikat lama saya dahulu..malangnya saya gagal mengingati semula nama beliau..tiba waktu rehat, tatkala semua hadirin berpusu-pusu keluar dewan, saya berasak-asak menuju ke rakan saya tadi..tujuannya hanya satu..ingin bertegur sapa..akhirnya saya berjaya mencuit bahu beliau..walaupun saya masih mengingati rupa beliau,saya gagal mengingati namanya..beliau juga tidak mengingati saya,..mungkin juga kami kurang rapat semasa bekerja di syarikat lama dahulu,setelah beberapa sesi soal jawab untuk recall kembali siapa saya dan dia,maka kami mula bercerita tentang kehidupan kini

Rakan saya yang datang bersama saya telah lama menunggu di sebelah,maka saya meminta diri untuk beredar memandangkan kami sama-sama mempunyai waktu rehat yang terhad sebelum masuk ke dewan semula..tiba-tiba salah seorang rakan saya bertanya tentang siapa kenaan saya sebentar tadi..rupa-rupanya,rakan pejabat saya ini hairan kenapa ramai benar kenalan saya dimerata-rata tempat*oh ya ini mengingatkan saya mengenai pertemuan semula saya dengan rakan di sekolah rendah dalam satu mesyuarat pembangunan sistem di tempat kerja* mungkin sebab itulah rakan ini mengganggap yang saya punyai ramai kenalan. Saya hanya mampu tersenyum,kerana saya memang mudah mengingati rupa seseorang.Maka setiap kali berjumpa seseorang yang saya kenal,saya akan cuba menegur..tak salah mengeratkan siaturrahim

Setibanya kami di kafeteria,sebelum menuju ke arah makanan saya terpandang seseorang yang agak saya kenali..rupa2nya beliau salah seorang senior saya di sekolah menengah dahulu..*tergelak saya dalam hati* kalaulah rakan pejabat saya tahu,mungkin dia akan kata ramai lagi kenalan saya.

Macam dah habis tatabahasa melayu yang cantek2,jadi saya akan guna bahasa rojak penang pulak ye? nak dipendekkan cerita saya ingat senior tu pon sebab dia friend2 dengan saya dalam FB..jadinya dengan FB dunia semakin keciks..itu yang sebnornye..ate teman udoh letih menaip ni,mohle kite rehat/tido ye yong?..selamat malam semua,salam keamanan

p/s: rasa macam tengah tuis hikayat hapa jer separuh masa pertama tadi haha

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Akhirnya,mula menulis kembali

As salam dan selamat malam Malaysia..semoga semua umat manusia di Malaysia hidup dalam keadaan aman,sejahtera dan gembira.. n to all muslims Salam Maal Hijrah..sepatutnya kita bersyukur kerana kita masih lagi bernafas hari ni..*as compared to those our brothers n sisters in Palestine that still fighting for their life,wherever they are there*

Dah lama tak menulis,tetiba tulis terus cerita pasal Palestin dan Gaza yang ditindas..ini semuanya sebab rata2 friend2 lam FB mula post status sedih dana insaf lam FB..yes,we should be grateful n thankful that we're still happily breathing in this peaceful country..alhamdullilah..all pray to ALLAH for this..okay,enough of that.So year end is approaching,in what,..say less than 2months..bila kenang2 balik all this while new year resolutions or whatsoever yang plan masa awal tahun selalu end up xkesampaian..dah secara automatiknya akan di carry forward to the next year wishlist a.k.a resolutions or dream..anything you call it..but it is  still something yang you nak achieve within a year..

Why am i actually rambling about new year resolutions n all?It is simply because,i've just went back from a programme that is motivational in a way that it insipred me to work through achieving my dream/goal..owh,my baby boy is now a healthy 5months plus baby..he's development is quite normal mcm baby lain*i think so,because the BS doesnt tell me a weird or abnormal story*,dia sekarang memang pantang etak atas permukaan yang rata,lembut n spongy..dia akan mula praktis meniarap..golek2 n such,..itu belum lagi mula membebel..atatatattatata.tah hape2 yang dibebelkan nya..*ikot sapa lah tu*mummy's eye  is drooling..hahahha..

Then he started screaming *it's sooo unlike a boy* unfortunately nothing much i can do about happens that he's copying my BS's daughter*..i one told him,pretending that he could understand me..''syg mama,boys dont scream..but girls does'..of course being a 5mths plus infant apa yang dia boleh buat except for continue screaming until i gave him his milk..huhuhuh

what else,..haaaaa so there's a lot of things happen all happens since i masuk kerja balik after 60days of maternity leave*private should also gave 90days maternity leave so that we(new mummies) will be ready enough to leave our baby to nursery/babysitter n such*..mana taknya,first day masuk kerja..memang takleh fokus keja langsung..i tell u, focus at all..naadaa,..until the point of we just wanted to go back ..n do nothing but stares at pc's clock..which is so not recommended when you have other staff watvhing over you indirectly..there goes,job rotation,..restructuring n now in my new role/task/position..okay,same position..different department,different salary but.of course same company...unfortunately*okay,am sorry but i have my own plan boss*

well,..since this is more or less an introduction post..let just cut it short la kan?..above all those ramblings..i'm back people*bajet retis la konon,padahai bog ni cam note alam maya saja*..till then..tata everyone..goodnight

p/s: the only time i have now to update blog is after my baby boy went sleeping* usually the time he goes to sleep is the exact same time i'm asleep* for those who knows it's a mother thingys.. ha ha

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 60th..finally,it's a me time

As salam and good day's been ages since my last updates..i was busy adjusting n adapting to my new life..of course life after having a, today is the 60th day since i gave birth to Ammar,practically he is now 6o days old..yeayyy!!! and for muslims,we've been fasting for 12days is my 1st day of sending him to baby sitter..last night i'm soo worry that he'll be crying and stuff..amazingly, this morning he woke up as usual...cries because of hunger..

When i fed him, he stop crying and once we arrived at baby sitter's he stays quiet..which put a relief on my face..then,he actually gave me a smile* not sure if he's smiling to anyone else,but he's facing me anyway..huhuhu

Anyway, after sending him,.since it was my 1st trial i went home having a mixed feeling..i finally home alone without him after 59days berkepit day n nights with him..i should be happy that i have my own n me time..but,i actually starting to miss him..*tears* i talked to my mum..apparently this feeling is normal to all working mothers out there..but still..cant stop my could i ever left him with baby sitter..huhuhu

Then,i finally realize that this is the sacrifice that i've to make..else i have to quit job and take care of him..but i can't even if i wanted too..sigh..some friend advise me to stay strong for my baby..i wish that things could be easier..haihhh..let just pray that my bs will take care of him as much as i do and i pray to ALLAH that everything will turns out okay,ameen..

Enough of that, i have tons of chores to finish before i pick him up this i wonder how's he doing now..* i cannot keep on bugging my bs, else i end up annoyyed her pulak *

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pre-delivery symptom

hello's everyone doing?hope you're good as much as i do..come this week,it's been 38 weeks of my pregnancy in which i could be delivering my baby anytime soon..

I was having a massive backache yesterday morning..i couldn't even get up from my bed..i thought i was going to deliver my baby yesterday..anyhow it didn't happen..i did not feel any contraction nor other symptoms..such as bleeding,or water broke..when i went to clinic,the doctor said that backache could be one of the symptom of pre-delivery..she then gave me 2days mc leave..i was relieve,as i am soooo in need a rest..*well,mentally rest i would say*

I told my boss that i was on mc leave because of that backache n all,..she seems okay with that,until i actually told her that i'll not be in the office for 2days..she went a bit googoogaa about it..hahaha..*i guess i have to let her be prepared of whatever that might came in right?after all it's my almost due date already*

Then, i got a call from a supplier..that i dont actually want to talk to..*not that i hate them,it's just i tried not to think of work when i'm enjoying my sick leave*..then a call from my office again..i guess everyone just envy me, n do not leave me alone dont they?

Here's some link that may give you some ideas about pre-delivery symptoms...the 1st one is baby ''drops''..that is when people look at you and ask/told you* esp those makciks yang dah beranak 5,or having a grandchild..they would say to you..'' dah cukup bulan ke dik?tak lama dah tu..perut dah turun,bla bla bla..'' next is when you're having more braxton hicks contraction..aaaa this 1 i have yet to experience..after all every pregnancy,delivery is not the same right??so basically if you experienced more contractions then you should be prepared on going to hospitals or labor room soon..and the rest you may find them at this link..

Ok,now i've got an email to attend..*sigh* i hate it when people keep on bugging me for work..poor me

p/s: i promised myself not to attend to any work,emails during my maternity leave

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

when boss is not around

Hello everyone,..feeling good?yeah!i can feel bos wasn't around today so i've decided to 'hegeh2' a bit..hahaha..if he's around i would be all stressed out...*dahla macik dah sarat..tak larat nak berkejar-kejaran ke bilik bos okeh*..anyway,..been sleepy lately, due to the not-so comfort condition..* yes, when you're 9mths pregnant, everything you do would definitely be a not-so-i-like situation *

I'll be having a whole busy weekdays now..till i actually finished up my pending task..* been praying for an early delivery tho*..reasons being are, am too stressed out, the never ending works..even i have to take care for everything..* adoi! seems that everyone is pushing me to..right to the edge*..*double sigh*

I even dreamt about my works,man..this is something that i've used to face back then when i was in my previous company..hahahah never thought that i'll having those nightmares again..owhh!ya talking bout my boss which is currently not big boss..the other day,somewhere last week i was silently humiliated by him..* because he's the kind of person who doesn't talk that loud and that much*

One fine evening, is actually past working hours,around 6.30pm..while i was struggling to finish my works,replying emails,bla..bla..he came into my room and pass me a  STAR newspaper..i stare at him bluntly with a blur face..then he said.." for your English improvement,..your English has become worst since you came here.."..i was like..okay,..i nodded my head and said yeah,i know..then he continued..this is the harsh part "..teribble,..without the guilty face..ewah2..who's he think he is...i admit that my english wasn't that great..hey!that's why i'm trying to blog in English rather than pure Malay..i wanted to improve my usage..anyway,..i felt soooooooo humiliated..* luckily i was alone in my room *

Haihh..i was grumbling all my way back while telling my husband about the humiliation..huh!!menyampah!just because i'm not like him..i never fly overseas doesn't mean that he's better than me..*okay,i know he's still better than me because he's my boss else i will be her boss right??*but stilll...

Okay, enough of that unpleasant and unhappy story..kinda sleepy still tho my hand is exercising throughout this blog writing..hihihi i guess have to take some nap during break,else i'll be damn tired weh..ok,ciaooo

p/s: some colleague asked me yesterday..when will your maternity leave start?*sigh* i wish my maternity leave starts now..*ameen*

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

As salam and a very good and relaxing sunday to's a mother's day to..i would like to wish my mum,Pn.Saadiah Hanafiah for her love,cares and esp bring me to the world..i luv you mum!*hugs and kisses*

Anyway,me myself is on my way of becoming a i bet i would be receiving the wish next year..ahahha..ok, enough of that insanity,..i guess it's not easy for a mother to raise their children..i wonder how those days when most women can actually gave birth to 10,12 answer would be, those days not many women works, so they are actually a full time housewife doing all the house they can fully concentrate on being pregnant again.. and again..but nonetheless, my mum..she is a working housewife..she still managed to give birth to 6 children..while she's sure yet...*sigh*

So in this very beautiful Sunday, i wish all the mum in the world a happy mother's one can ever replace a mum..*i bet even daddy can't be a good mum*..

p/s: starving now,i guess i my baby is hungry as well

*image from google

Saturday, May 5, 2012

a busy,hectic and all good news & stressful things jumbled up together weekdays

Assalammualaikum dan selamat malam, why post about weekdays when it's already weekend?..seriously,i should've talked about something's weekend by the way...tapi daku nak juga post something to sum up the rest of my weekdays..

Ok, it started when last week after wednesday*of course,since my last post was on wednesday*..i've started to clear all my pending tasks, important stuff n all..last week was my 34th weeks,so for those who have experienced pregnancy they may have started their maternity leave whatever not,..but me?still struggling to clear all my tasks and hey,guess what my boss have yet to tell me who'll be my how am i goin to take my maternity leave peacefully then??*cry out alout inside*..anyway,..then come this week,..
I was struggling again* yeah, this few weeks been very challenging to me,esp on work*..then everything turns out to be very stressful yet blissful..announcement made on thursday,confirming that we'll be getting our bonus for 2011 on saturday..atlast,some goodnews apart from those hectic workloads,etc..etc..

So, here i am now sitting infront of my luvly levy grumbling aout how my weekdays has been hard on me* sigh*..anyway, am so happy that today i've got myself what i want after so longgg..*hihihi*..ya,'s a celcom broadband modem and that could actually helps me lessen my workload after this..*now that am able to work from home,which is worse i guess*..have a goodweekend everyone..hope you'll enjoy your weekend as much as i am..sayonara..

p/s: been busy for the past 2weekends on shopping for our baby 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wordless wednesday

malay pancake oat (lempeng lah tu)

muffin chocolate chip
baked potato wedges(a healthier version)

p/s: rojak pasembor& cendol tengah berenang-renang dalam perut

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sebelum,semasa dan selepas..

As salam dan selamat pagi semua..hopes everyone is fine,sihat sejahtera hendaknya..hari ni entri pasal sebelum semasa dan selepas..mengandung,kenaikan berat badan yang sangat berjaya..*saya tak salahkan anak dalam kandungan ye?cuma selera makan yang bagai tak tertahan-tahan ni..sobs sobs*nywez,'s the story..

Sebelum mengandung, actually let's juz start from before married...i'm a health concious and weight watchers freak?..hahahha..sikit lagi nak jadik aneroxia nervosa,tapi bukan bulimia ye?i find it a waste kalau makan then muntahkan balik makanan itu..hehehe..then after married for about a month,masa tu lah mula nak tunjuk skills and bakat memasak yang terpendam* takde bakat sgt pun,cuma memenuhi salah satu tanggungjawab isteri*..maka bermulalah episod bersilat berkungfu dalam dapur after works..

The best thing is that,everytime i cooked i'll ask my dear hubby to rate my cooking...husband saya ni suka sgt bagi markah dalam %, so of course am expecting 100%..wpun daku tahu diriku hanyalah tukang masak amatur..then,..everything's changed bila mabuk2,morning sickness and whaterver not..owh, btw sebagai tukang masak sudah tentulah saya pun turut terjebak dalam proses menaikkan berat badan ni...tapi masa ni,kalau jumpa kawan lama,sedara mara,sahabat handai suma masih belum lagi kedengaran soalan-soalan yang bisa mengguris hati..

Semasa mengandung, after almost 20kgs increase in weight..dont ask me what's my weight now,dear...tak mungkin daku bagitahu secara specificnya..huhuhuhu..mulalah kedengaran soalan-soalan yang bisa menggugurkan jantung ku ni...contohnya, dalam satu majlis kenduri kawin selepas makan 1pinggan penuh nasi beriani beras basmathi,dengan rendang daging and ayam panggang ala kenny rogers..sorang macik pun menegur saya"..macik tengok lain sgt rupa masa mengandung,badan pun dah gemuk..."..and me being polite.."aaa,memanglah berat naik banyak dah ni sejak mengandung..*namun lam hati nak je nanges sebab obvious sgt kenaikan..huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...another scene@ some babyshower, after having a plate full of beriani kambing and dalca,plus etc..some cousin says"laaaa...ingat sapelah tadi,tak cam lah rupa sebab lain sgt..'kembang' semcm je..dulu tengok kecut jer"..i was like..smiling and giggling politely...dalam ati ujan dan ribut mula kedengaran...uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Selepas mengandung,tatau lagi camna..but am sooooooooooooooo determine tu lose my weight now..huhuhu..i hope BF will helps me to do so..sangat-sangatlah berharap ye?and also i hope i can pantang strictly like really pantang mcm org dolu2...boleh ke???

p/s: it's only Tuesday,but i already counting the day till weekend..*sigh*

Thursday, April 19, 2012

33 minggu yang sihat

As salam dan salam 1 Malaysia,ewah!ala2 pembaca berita di saluran Perdana pulaks..hari ini pegi check up di klinik kesihatan,..for those who doesn't know,for pregnant women monthly check up is once a month from 0-28weeks...and from 28-36weeks the check up is bi-weekly..36-40weeks would be once a week..till due date lah...

For the above info,thanks to nursy@klinik kesihatan tadi..hehhehe..since sekarang dah 33weeks, so most of pre-labor symptom dah semakin dirasai oleh saya..sakit ari-ari adalah biasa ye kawan2..sebab i've been experiencing this since last week sampai takleh tdo..huhuhu pity me..tapi takpe,this is a sacrifice that every women named mother in the world will go through,..* insaf mengenangkan mak yang mengandungkan diriku ini dolu*...anyway, setelah menjadi pengunjung setia klinik kesihatan selama beberapa bulan..i'm used to the procedure..and the longer waiting for those yang tak sanggup menunggu lebih dari sejam untuk check up masa mengandung nanti, silalah check up@ klinik swasta ek?

So far, both mummy and baby are healthy..yes, i'm considering myself as a healthy mummy minus berat badan yang naik melebihi paras selamat kannn??? being a curious mummy and also since this is my 1st time..maka saya pun bertanya lah pada nurse itu.."paling awal bila ek boleh bersalin??".."owhh paling awal minggu ke 36 dah boleh bersalin,..and i was like"oooo,ye ke...?" tapi bergantunglah pada baby dalam perut ni..whether he/she's coming out early or prefer to wait until due date..hhehehe

Being pregnant for the 1st time, there's so much things that i cannot lah,1st time mahhh..sapa2 pun takkan tau kan?unless she's been babysitting her baby sister or brother for quite sometime..oowh ya,.the normal weight gain for pregnant mommies is average kgs per mth,or 1kg per 2weeks..i managed to keep my weight gain within this rate for the past 2weeks..*hooray!!*

I think that's all for now since i'm running put of time to make my next call to finish my work..*sigh* i need to finished off everything before going on my maternity leave..sian kan?huhuhu what to do,duty comes 1st..*yeah,itupon kalau baby dont come out 1st* ahaks...tata everyone

p/s: my eating plan works well!so pregnant mommies out there,remember to not to take carb for dinner..or if you still want to take carb,take it as early as more carb intake after 8pm okayyy??

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pampering myself after for quite sometimes...

As salam and a very goodmorning to everyone..i'm not a big fan of beauty,seriously..i mean am not a type of women who can actually choose her own make up or facial products hours at shopping complexes,nor sitting down hours listening to some beauty consultant commenting about my skin texture or what,am not that patient..

Anyway, after almost 7mths being pregnant i noticed that apart from my 3times size face is getting worse..which has actually make me want to find some ways to keep it healthy..ya, i wanted a healthy face n skin..of course not only my healthy body i went to Watson..and also after reading a post from this , i wanted to find something to pamper my face..a facial scrub and a facial mask..

I managed to buy a neutrogena deep clean scrub and a facial mask from Korea..*just to be as pretty as Korean actress ;p * after a few days of  trying this scrub it actually works well with my skin..sorry, i didnt take any picture of my 'beautiful face'..but last nite i actually took some time after prayer to pamper myself, my face actually to wear this mask..

cucumber collagen mask

i actually bought 3 masks, and i could not decide on what to try 1st..that is why i tried this cucumber collagen mask 1st...the rest of it was as per picture below

Age defying collagen mask,firming lift coenzyme mask and cucumber collagen mask

Although instruction says wear it for 20-30mins i actually wear it until the moisture from the mask is actually drying..hahaha *kononnya nak make sure all the cucumber essence absorb into my face*,..i wore approximately 40-45mins...then i quickly peel it off and went to washroom to wash my face..what i do next is that i 'ran' into my husband..and asked him..

"Sayang cantik tak??"..and he answer with a giggle..ceh!such a waste..hahahhah

p/s: Of course if he answered me with the "yes, darling you are.." then i would be smiling in my sleep..LOL

Monday, April 16, 2012

I'm back,..again

As salam and goodday everyone..i know, it's been a while..but my laziness stopped me from updating the,mama tak salah sayang*sambil usap peruts yg makin beso ni*..nywez, my laziness only applies to blog updating,completing my tasks-most of them are those i dont really facy of doing it so, i actually taking my own sweet time in finishing them,..i mean,realllyyyyyyyyyy laid back time.,.hahaha..sorry boss,just bear with me in 2mths time..

the otherside of it is that i am soooooo into this baking, n cooking thingys...*until i actually felt some sort of dizzyness n nearly fainted due to fatigue*..recently i did some baking which includes cheese cake* it turns out to be bingka/bengkang cheese*, n carrot cake* which turns out perfectly well, except the over sweet cream cheese toppings ..hahahah..i even wanted to make a choc cheese muffin when my husband didnt allowed me to do it..reason is..once i've done with all the baking, i'll be lying hours on my bed hopelessly....hahahaha

recently i've noticed that most my friends in FB is having a baby boys,..rather than baby girls..mmmm..i guess it's the season where baby boys rock!hahaha after all kan ke this year dragon year..okay,enough of that..let continue some work bebeh!until then tata..

p/s: i already started my baby movement..apparently my baby is moving approximately 20-25times from 09.00hrs to 0000hrs

Thursday, March 8, 2012

6kgs in a month???

Ya, i know..the title was a bit too dramatic, but trust me,'ll be dramatic too if you find yourself put on weight like crazy in just a month..huhuhu..well,i've been trying to eat healthy this few weeks..n i did actually,minus the weekend makan-makan activity..huhuhuh..

Nywez,here's my daily food journal since last few weeks..morning, i ate cereal with milk+supplement/supplement+egg sandwich/supplement +tuna sandwich/oat with side dish( fried achovies/egg/chicken/veggies)..i do eat nasik lemak accasionally..macam one a week camtu lah..

Then, lunch would either be nasik campur..1 cup of white rice( sometimes 1 and half cup )+fish/beef/chicken+lots of veggies or..fried kuay teow..and also cut fruits..i noticed that i like guava a lots especially now that i'm pregnant..

I dont eat rice for dinner which is why i replace my dinner with instant oat( i eat quacker oat by the way)..together with herbal life shake..which i just started in a week plus..but once in a while,i do eat fried rice, or laksa/bihun sup/anything soupy..

Nevertheless, i still put on weight like crazy!!!am soooooooo not happy..huhuhu the normal weight gain for pregnant women is about 0.5kgs-2kgs, means max weight i can gain in a month is 2kgs..but now i've reached 6kgs...*sigh*
I need to strictly say nooooooo to non-healthy food,crazy cravings and more than 1 cup of white rice starting from today

p/s: i eat oat and herballife shake+guava for lunch today..that's a good start i guess

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Mee udang Kuala Sepetang* i ate this in January, after 3 years of craving this,thanks to my dearie hubs*

As part of my healthy eating effort, i ate this instant oat with leftover sate ayam

my homemade bolognese spaghetti *February craving*

Another homemade pancake,i ate this with honey,butter and strawberry jam* saja try breakfast ala matsalih *

i've been wanting to eat homemade cucur udang for so longgg so i made one,it turns out tak jadi as sedap as my mum's cook :(

Another tak jadi cooking from me,i wanted to clear of my rice stocks so i made a nasik lemak one weekend.the only menjadi things was hard boiled eggs,fried anchovies & cucumber.The rest was disaster, but still i received a warm compliment from hubby* i guess he only wanted to pujuk me n motivate me,else i wont be making his favorite dish anymore*

i tapau this from a foodcourt in  Bangi, it costs me RM11.00 for a set of nasik putih,plus 3pcs mid large squid,some vegs* no wonder lots of people opt to have their own nasik campur stall rather than makan gaji like me*

Monday, March 5, 2012

New year resolution/s

Happy new year uolls..wah,wah wah..pejam celiks pejam celiks dah masuk tahun baru..seb baek lah pejam, then celiks lagi..kalo pejam teruss..haaaa sape nak jawabs..nywez,i's a bit too supposed to post this like 2 months ago..tapi sangat malas okayyy untuk meng'update laziness became even worst sejaks pregnant..n i dont blame my lil one inside sayang,mummy luvs u soo much..

Nywez, of my new year resolutions is to eat,drink and stay healthy as possible for myself, lil one n also my deary hubby..and of course be a good mum to my baby..kira cam ultimate goal camtu lah...

Others will be, focusing on my next target to be a SAHM,,...i know it's a longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg way to go,but hey we must start from somewhere right?

Owh..haaa since my due date is on June,perhaps next resolution is to gain back my pre-engagement figure..yes,..sebelum bertunang am soooo skinny,..i like!tho' my fiancee aka my husband now doesnt really like seeing me skinny..who's care..hahaha

Then, what else hah..owhh,i wanted to as much as possible to breastfeed my baby...semoga berjaya,ameen...

I think that's about it,at least for now..tata